
Neo-Hippocrates Health School
& Tutorial Orthopathic Institute



Further your career prospects by continuing g your studies On-Line for a University Degree with our affiliated University of America ( USA)


Naturopathy is a system of  natural therapy which seeks to facilitate and promote the body’s inherent self-healing mechanisms. The procedures of Naturopathic Therapy may range over a wide spectrum of natural modalities which are always non-toxic and non-suppressive. They are based on nutrition and detoxification structural readjustment, physical therapies and psychological counselling.


Homeopathy is a system of natural therapy which offers an alternative or complement to conventional drugs and surgery in the form of natural remedies which stimulate the body’s tendency to heal itself.  It deals with the energetic aspect of the individual and their disease state.


Acupuncture is one of the main forms of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the use of sharp thin needles that are inserted in the body at very specific points. This process is believed to adjust and alter the body’s energy flow into healthier patterns, and is used to treat a wide variety of illnesses and health conditions.


The Tutorial Orthopathic Institute is registered under Partnerships and Business Names Law, Cap. 116 , cooperating with  Neohippocrates Professional Training School which has been incorporated under the Companies Law Cap. 113, Section 15(1) Cyprus Government Registration No: 146713 as Limited Liability Company with  the objectives of providing training in Naturopathic & Traditional Therapy Professional Sciences. The School  gains Recognition  as a Training Provider  for the University of America USA.

The  Neo-Hippocrates School in 2006 has been approved for Credit Recognition for its four year Advance Diploma of Naturopathy by the CHARLE’S STURT UNIVERSITY ( N.SW), Australia.  This was giving the option of our students & Graduates  to enroll into the Bachelor of Health Science Degree (Complementary Medicine)- a distance learning course of 1 to 2 years duration. Further opportunities for on going study to obtain a Master Degree or PhD in Complementary Medicine  also offered by CSU.


The University of America (USA)


To provide education and training to a professional level in the practice of Natural Therapeutics and to promote safe and effective practitioners who are able to empower others  to maximize their health potential. Students are trained to facilitate change in health and lifestyle issues within the community. To promote the practice of Natural Therapeutics in the community. To promote the integration of Natural Therapeutics  with other systems available to the community.
To maintain close liaison with professional Associations and other major Natural Therapy teaching institutions.
To conduct research into Natural Therapeutics.
To conduct research in to Natural Therapeutics.


Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your Natural Health Training and creative opportunities and how we can help you.